Tuesday, January 20, 2009

more on the dance party

so Marilyn stayed for a little while before she had to leave. Anna came about 10 minutes later and we tried to get her to dance too, but to no avail. Then all the kids went into Simo's room and went on the internet. We listened to music, Sara and I sang together, and we took more photos. We listened to Tokio Hotel (pretty good) which is Sara's favorite band.
We finally had to leave at around 8 to get home.

Next day.....
Sunday I met Azzedinne at the McDonalds down the street (the only McDonalds in all of Fes) and we walked to the church that he goes to. He is Muslim, but he likes to go visit other places of worship like I do. When we walked in I felt like I had hit the jackpot of white people. So this is where they all hang out??!! Everyone was speaking English and most were Americans. It was really a shock. We got tea, checked out the library of books that they have for anyone who wants them, and then snuck in the back of the church to listen to the French service. The music was so beautiful. All the people in the choir were African, so the music took on a southern baptist type vibe, but in French. I started singing along, even though I didn't know the song. It was easy enough to understand with my limited french, and it was obviously Christian so I got the theme.
After, we met Chaimae outside of the bank and then walked to the medina. We didn't have a plan of any sort other than just to hang out. I took them to cafe clock and showed Azzedinne the books shelves that are full of free trading books. We got drinks, took photos of the view from the roof, and then began to walk back. I was teasing Azz. because he said he knew where cafe clock was and ended up walking us in the completely wrong direction. Humuck! (crazy)!
I called Anna to see where she was and to my surprise she was in Meknes. Sara's family saw her walking home and put her in their van and took her on a picnic to Meknes. hahahahaha. When they got home, we went downstairs to say hi. I put on Abdul Ali's slippers and a baggy sweater to go outside. It turns out we were going somewhere because they put me in the back of the van and we started driving. I had no money, no jacket, and no shoes!!!!!

Oh yeah - and a side note - there is no law that says that you have to have seats in the back, so we were sitting on the floor of the van with one wheelie chair tied to the drivers seat and one stool. CRAZINESS

So, when the car stopped we were at the supermarket - which is like a super Walmart at home. We got out of the car and proceeded to walk throughout the store IN MY SLIPPERS. Did I mention Abdul Ali has smaller feet than me!?! We ran into Matt and Donovan there too, and their homestay dad. We went down the aisles spraying perfume and putting on makeup, and then we went back to the car. We stood out in the parking lot for a while and played volleyball with a bouncy ball they had in the backseat, then we piled back in the van and left. The entire ride we listened to Spanish and Arabic music - I guess I would call it dance/electronica stuff. We danced in the back seat, swaying back and forth, clapping, and singing at the tops of our lungs. It was wonderful. We stopped at a lookout point and took some photos, then ran back and hopped into the van. By the time we got home we were in histarics laughing, and I could not for the life of me tell you exactly why.

It was the most random experience of my life and I loved it!
I love Chaimae and Huda and Sara and Malika and Leila and I want to adopt them and bring them home with me!!!!!!
I don't want to miss them.....but I leave Friday....
this is cruel!


  1. Sounds like you are having an amazing time! I cannot wait to see your pictures when you get back! You'll soon have us all dancing to Arabic techno music :)

    Miss you! <3 MH

  2. I know you like it there but I miss you tons, please come home... and pronto... sorry I'm selfish!
